Hi there, my name is Danir Ivanovich, born in Venice somewhat more than 40 years ago.
Everybody wonders about it anytime, so I’m going to start from here: Danìr—with the accent on “i”—is a norse name given to me by my parents to honour a dear friend. Ivanovich is a common venetian surname, infact my ancestors Schiavoni came from Dalmatia, one of the lands of Eastern Europe which belonged to the Republic of Venice. 

I live along the Sile river bank with my wife and a foundling rabbit. I love nature and anything with a wild soul, living in a fairytale, illustration and beer.

After my graduation in fine arts I had the chance to reach a professional maturity working first in some printing studios and subsequently in the communication, show & cinema field. Finally I decided to focus on only illustration to offer the correct heed to my primary passion.

I also love to organise classes and workshops to teach what I learned over the years. I think that the enthusiasm of the discovery is the real secret for any kind of teaching. To be expert is not enough, you first have to be in love with training.

You can seek me out on IMDb, or link me on LinkedIn, have a look to my shots on both my personal and professional Instagram, or snoop among my pins on Pinterestor finally give a like to my Facebook page.

(Psst… hey… you can find me also on Pixi_bit. To have a look… click on him!)

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